Thursday, July 26, 2007

And More Camp

This week is "Stone Circle Camp" advertised to be a Waldorf inspired season-oriented camp. And so it is. Mostly, however, it is small and person-oriented. I showed up the first day, however, and no one was there. Wuggy Norple and I played on the playground, and checked out the real-live stone circle that is like a mini solstice oriented henge thing. finally, when I was thoroughly flummoxed, a parent pulled into the driveway to "pick something up" and the mystery was revealed: seems they really meet down the street at the Foundation of Light.

There are between 3- 7 kids in the camp at any given time, and 1 or 2 teachers. They make little Waldorf dolls, do puppet shows, run around in the yard, explore the woods, build fairy houses and end these hot summer days splashing in giant buckets of water. I guess it's not that much smaller than Fossil Camp, but it feels more intimate. It reminds me of Wuggy Norple's Family Daycare from when he was little (Kids@home, it was called). I went to drop off his lunch the first day, and Wuggy Norple greeted me adorned with gold beads. I asked him "are these kids fun?" and he replied "This is a fun camp." Long though, he said. Apparently this month off from school has gotten him out of the rhythm of a 9-3:00 day.

Stone Circle was full in August, though, so coming next are "Nature Camp" and "Arts All Around You Camp." (or, as Papercup Mixmaster calls it AAAY!) I hope Wuggy Norple doesn't get tired of camp-hopping.

1 comment:

lou jones said...

this camp notion is really interesting. it's an east coast thing primarily, so there's that, then to have short, small, themed camps is something else i've never heard of. is this in place of girl scouts and boy scouts i wonder?

i was a brownie.