Thursday, December 6, 2007

Winter Fat

Well, we've watched those squirrels getting fatter and fatter all fall. Now they are so fat and the trees so bare we finally pulled the car over during an errand to catch them on film, and they were so engaged with their meal, they posed beautifully so we could share them with you. They are so much fatter than the squirrels Exploding Poptart used to watch out the window at the church back in California. Even the Squirrels take winter more seriously here.

1 comment:

T with Honey said...

Late fall last year we had some REALLY fat squirrels... they were so fat that I had to clear the yard before letting the dogs outside because if the rodents tried to escape by squeezing through the chain link fence they would get stuck. Luckily my dog listened the first time this happened as I called him back inside and did not attack the poor critter.