Saturday, February 23, 2008


Remember the wall of boxes? They have finally become a playroom. When Papercup Mixmaster predicted, back in September, that we would never get everything unpacked before the New Year, Exploding Poptart thought he could not possible be right. But it was only through a huge post-holiday push that we got the boxes unpacked in time for our January visitors, and playroom was liberated. I suppose our move is complete now that we have no more boxes, save those tubs stacked on the mud-porch filled with Exploding Poptart's high school memorabilia, Papercup Mixmaster's band archives, Wuggy Norple's preschool art projects, off season clothes and things waiting for summer to be inflated. The only possible conclusion is that our move is complete. There is nothing left but to grow our roots through the slow daily living of our new lives here in this house, this new home.

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